

Do Your Sex Dreams Shock You? : Sex Accessories store

Do Your Sex Dreams Shock You?
by Terry L. Gillis
plug itEvery one of us has sexual dreams at one time or another. Some of these are highly erotic and sensual, while some are more uncomfortable and worrying, such as dreams of changing sex, having a different sexual orientation, making love in a public place, being caught in the act, or of making love to someone other than your partner.
In a recent study by a Montreal sleep lab, it was found that women have almost as many dreams about sex as ,men do. Both sexes experience sexual dreams approximately 8% of the time. Not surprisingly, men's and women's sexual dreams may not differ in quantity, however they do differ quite radically in content

Women's favourite sexual dreams are of men who are experienced and considerate of their emotional and sexual needs and who are turned on by the dreamer. Men's favourite sexual dreams are of women who are completely uninhibited and ready for absolutely anything.

Unlike most other types of dreams, we tend to take sex dreams at face value. Who can blame us? We might resist delving deeper into what it means that we had a romantic tryst with our favourite rock star or celebrity; we're content to relish the memory intact, and enjoy the emotional and sensual hangover.

Another reason sex dreams are often viewed as only about sex has to do with our society's, our family's, and our own personal views about sex. Unlike our views about cardboard, for example, sex has always carried a lot of moral, political, spiritual and economic weight. Sometimes it feels like a particularly loaded issue to explore, evev in the privacy of our own mind.

There are a number of reasons for sex dreams; they can be a direct result of our own thoughts, desires and wishes which we're well aware of: but at times there can be hidden or suppressed desires we don't care to admit, even to ourselves; They may be pointing out our secret frustrations with our sex life in general, or withyour present partner --this can be a warning that something's wrong and needs your attention; Sex dreams can be a mere statement of fact, telling you of your feelings, desires, and arousal; They may even show us how these are stimulated by our food (red meat and heavy spices) alcohol, your reading materials, visual excitations, or stimulation from other people in general; Other people's thoughts, hopes, dreams and wishes may also be the cause of our sexy dreams --An admirer's desires or intentions toward you (of which you may be totally unaware) can affect the tenure of your dreams.

Are your sex dreams wildly fulfilling and exciting? Or are they just shocking? Sometimes we're uncomfortable with the nature of, or the passion in, our sex dreams. You might want to ask yourself why. Is it because such passionate dreams don't fit in with the serious, buttoned-down image you have of yourself (and the serious buttoned-down sex you're having in waking life)? Is it because you were taught that sex was a woman's "duty" and therefore not to be enjoyed? Or perhaps it's because you fear new experiences, non-traditional sex or letting loose? These are some of the issues that you may need to explore.

When exploring the content, situation and emotion in --and as a result of-- your sex dream, be completely honest with yourself. No growth and no benefit will be gained if you can't be honest and open when examining your dream. You don't need to tell anyone about the dream if you don't want to. There's no law that says you have to right it down. But remember...this particular dream came at this particular time for a reason. Contrary to scientific belief, dreams are not random...they have purpose, and amessage for you.

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